New Parent Information
Strong Home/School Partnerships;
In Ardkeenan National School we promote and support the development of strong school and home partnerships, which are vital for improve our pupils' learning outcomes and personal development. We value parental input through a varierty of different channels.
We communicate with parents/guardians via email and text through our school management system Aladdin in addition to notifications on our school website. Parent-Teacher meetings take place in January each year where parents have the opportunity to discuss their child's progress. Other meetings may take place as requested by parent or teacher. We also have a Open Evening and Welcome Day for the parents of incoming Junior Infants .
We are very appreciative of the support which parents/guardians give to the school and to the school’s various activities. We encourage you to:
Read notes/letters taken home by the children.
Check homework and sign it every night.
Return forms promptly.
Contact to the class teacher/Principal by phone, email or Aladdin connect if you have any concerns regarding school.
Be positive in your attitude to school.
Additional Information for Parents is available from this very informative document below created by the Irish National Teachers' Organisation.